IN M’HAMID EL GHIZLANE SAHARA DESERT specializes in Sahara Desert Tours, Sahara Desert Trekking Trips,


Comfort Clothing

Cotton or linen-made lightweight breathable clothing is highly recommended. Here are some suggestions:

T-shirts, loose trousers, suitable warm jacket (like fleece) in case of cold months: December and January, sweater, gloves, sweatpants and leggings (useful for camel riding and sandboarding), scarf, desert turban (Chech) for protection against the sunstroke and winds, sun hat… etc.

Note: in case you are eager for bringing your special dress in the Sahara Desert, feel free to wear and use it smartly.


Walking boots, training shoes, sandals, a pair of socks… etc.

Sunglasses and Goggles

Bring good sunglasses and goggles (for kids) to protect eyes against the sun’s rays.

Sun Cream

Sleeping Bag

Travel First Aid Kit

Antihistamine, Aspirin, Nurofen, Rehydration Powder, Band-Aidtm … etc.

You may want to bring those items in case something happens in anyway. Make sure that you put them all in a plastic bag.

A Small Fan (in case the day is hot)

A Flash Light

Book and Notebook

Favorite Special Food (Yeast Extract, Kettle, Peanut butter… etc.)

Food served in the desert camp is various and delicious. It is a good idea that you bring your cultural aspect. Feel free to bring your favorite special food.

Camera or Phone

The magic of the desert is hard to define. Take pictures of that magic to fulfill your desert dream.
